The world reacts to Musharraf's declaration of emergency. Below is a roundup of items. Please add links below and your thoughts below. Earlier on SAJAforum: Emergency Declared in Pakistan.

IHT: World Leaders Condemn State of Emergency in Pakistan

The United States and Britain expressed grave concerns about Pakistan military ruler Gen. Pervez Musharraf's declaration of a state of emergency Saturday, with leaders from both countries calling for a swift return to a democratic government.

Leaders from India, Pakistan's nuclear-armed rival, had a more tempered reaction, aimed at keeping tensions low, saying they "regret the difficult times" in Pakistan and hope for a return to "normalcy."

US State Department statement by Sean McCormack, spokesperson:

The United States is deeply disturbed by reports that Pakistani President Musharraf has taken extra-constitutional actions and has imposed a state of emergency. A state of emergency would be a sharp setback for Pakistani democracy and takes Pakistan off the path toward civilian rule. President Musharraf has stated repeatedly that he will step down as Chief of Army Staff before re-taking the presidential oath of office and has promised to hold elections by January 15th. We expect him to uphold these commitments and urge him to do so immediately.

The United States stand with the people of Pakistan in supporting a democratic process and in countering violent extremism. We urge all parties to work together to complete the transition to democracy and civilian rule without violence or delay.

From the Committee to Protect Journalists (full text below):

"We are greatly disturbed by President Musharraf's decision to suspend Pakistan's constitution today. Even more chilling are reports that, having silenced all private television stations, the government intends to detain journalists who are critical of the government's actions. At a time of such crisis it is imperative that Pakistanis have access to independent media to be fully informed about the events affecting their lives," said Bob Dietz, CPJ's Asia program coordinator.

From Reporters Without Borders (full text below):

Reporters Without Borders today expressed deep concern after Pakistan´s president, General Pervez Musharraf declared emergency rule and ordered a halt to broadcasts by privately-owned TV in all the country´s major cities.

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